Air Scrubber by Aerus

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Imagine stepping into a world where the air you breathe feels as pure and refreshing as a crisp morning breeze. With Air Scrubber by Aerus, this vision becomes a reality.

This innovative air purification system acts as a guardian, tirelessly working to cleanse the air around you. But what makes it different from other air purifiers? How does it work its magic? And most importantly, what are the benefits it can bring to your life?

In this discussion, we will explore the fascinating world of Air Scrubber by Aerus, uncovering its secrets and unveiling the countless ways it can enhance your indoor air quality.

Get ready to discover a breath of fresh air like never before.

Key Takeaways

  • Air Scrubber by Aerus attaches directly to HVAC system ductwork, providing 24/7 surface decontamination and air purification.
  • It eliminates up to 99.9% of airborne and surface contaminants, reducing the risk of illness and improving indoor air quality.
  • The technology used in Air Scrubber includes HEPA filters, activated carbon technology, and germicidal UV light to effectively clean the air and remove odors and chemicals.
  • Air Scrubber is easy to install, compatible with existing HVAC systems, and offers powerful contaminant reduction, improving the overall performance of the HVAC system.

Introduction to Air Scrubber by Aerus

Introducing the Air Scrubber by Aerus, a powerful solution that attaches directly to your HVAC system ductwork, providing 24/7 surface decontamination and air purification to reduce viruses, bacteria, and contaminants in your home.

The Air Scrubber by Aerus is designed to eliminate up to 99.9% of airborne and surface contaminants, thanks to its patented ActivePure Technology. This technology has been proven effective in reducing microbes, as demonstrated by testing conducted at Kansas State University. In just two hours, an average 80% reduction of microbes was observed, with a 95% reduction in six hours, and a remarkable 99% reduction in 24 hours.

Additionally, an independent lab testing showed that the Air Scrubber by Aerus can achieve a significant reduction in airborne contaminants. In just 30 minutes, there was an average of 3.83% log reduction, and in 60 minutes, a 4.92% log reduction was achieved.

With its proven track record in eliminating odors, reducing air-borne bacteria, and promoting healthier living spaces, the Air Scrubber by Aerus is the ideal solution for improving indoor air quality and ensuring a cleaner, safer home environment.

Benefits of Air Scrubber by Aerus

The Air Scrubber by Aerus offers numerous benefits for improving indoor air quality and creating a healthier living environment. Here are four key benefits of using the Air Scrubber by Aerus:

  1. Deactivates pathogens: The Air Scrubber by Aerus effectively deactivates pathogens in the air, reducing the risk of illness and creating a healthier indoor environment. By neutralizing airborne bacteria and viruses by up to 99.99% in just minutes, it helps to improve indoor air quality and safeguard your well-being.
  2. Reduces mold and volatile organic compounds: This innovative air scrubber also neutralizes mold spores and volatile organic compounds, ensuring fresher indoor air without the need for synthetic fragrances. By eliminating these harmful substances, it promotes a cleaner and more breathable atmosphere in your home.
  3. Compatible and easy to install: The Air Scrubber by Aerus is compatible with existing HVAC systems, making it a convenient option for air purification. It can be quickly installed, providing you with an efficient and hassle-free solution for improving indoor air quality.
  4. Family-friendly: The Air Scrubber by Aerus is suitable for the whole family, ensuring a cleaner, safer, and more comfortable living environment. By reducing airborne contaminants and allergens, it helps to create a space where everyone can breathe easier and enjoy a healthier lifestyle.

How Does Air Scrubber Technology Work?

To understand how the Air Scrubber by Aerus improves indoor air quality, it's important to explore the technology behind it.

The Air Scrubber works by utilizing a combination of technologies to effectively clean the air in your home or office.

Firstly, it incorporates a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter, which is designed to capture and remove airborne particles as small as 0.3 microns. This includes dust, pollen, pet dander, and other allergens that can irritate your respiratory system.

In addition to the HEPA filter, the Air Scrubber also uses activated carbon technology. This technology is effective in removing odors, chemicals, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the air. The activated carbon acts as a sponge, absorbing these harmful substances and leaving the air smelling fresh and clean.

Furthermore, the Air Scrubber utilizes germicidal ultraviolet (UV) light to kill bacteria, viruses, and mold spores that may be present in the air. The UV light disrupts the DNA of these microorganisms, rendering them inactive and unable to reproduce.

Key Features of Air Scrubber by Aerus

With its patented ActivePure Technology, the Air Scrubber by Aerus offers a range of key features that effectively reduce airborne and surface contaminants, providing a healthier indoor environment for you and your family.

Here are the top features of the Air Scrubber by Aerus:

  1. Powerful Contaminant Reduction: The Air Scrubber by Aerus utilizes ActivePure Technology to eliminate up to 99.9% of airborne and surface contaminants. This includes pollutants, bacteria, viruses, mold, and odors.
  2. 24/7 Protection: By attaching the Air Scrubber directly to your HVAC system ductwork, you can enjoy continuous surface decontamination and air purification. This ensures that your home remains clean and healthy at all times.
  3. Health Benefits: The Air Scrubber by Aerus has been proven to reduce flu-related dismissals and cases of Staph. By eliminating harmful contaminants, it creates a healthier indoor environment, reducing the risk of illness for you and your family.
  4. Easy Installation and Cost-Effective: Installing the Air Scrubber is a breeze as it can be directly integrated into your existing ductwork. Additionally, it offers a cost-effective solution, available at a significantly lower price on Amazon compared to local companies. It not only improves air quality but also provides an extra kick to your HVAC system, resulting in colder and cleaner air in your home.

Installation and Maintenance of Air Scrubber

Now let's talk about the installation and maintenance of the Air Scrubber by Aerus.

Installing the Air Scrubber is a straightforward process that involves attaching it directly to your HVAC system ductwork.

As for maintenance, it simply requires making a 4-inch hole in the furnace ductwork and mounting the unit with a UV-C bulb and transformer.

Installation Process

You can easily install the Aerus Air Scrubber by making a 4-inch hole in the furnace ductwork. Follow these steps for a smooth installation process:

  1. Locate a suitable spot on the furnace ductwork to make the hole.
  2. Use a 4-inch hole saw to create the opening.
  3. Attach the mounting plate to the ductwork using screws or adhesive.
  4. Install the UV-C bulb inside the unit and mount it onto the mounting plate.

The Aerus Air Scrubber requires low voltage and includes a 110-volt transformer that needs to be mounted inside the furnace.

Once the installation is complete, it's important to test the unit to ensure it's functioning properly.

Maintenance Requirements

Are you wondering what maintenance requirements are necessary for the installation and upkeep of the Aerus Air Scrubber?

To ensure the optimal performance of your air scrubber by Aerus, there are several maintenance tasks that you should prioritize.

First, it's essential to have a professional HVAC technician install the air scrubber, integrating it into your existing ductwork. This ensures that the air scrubber functions effectively in purifying the air in your home or workplace.

Additionally, you should regularly replace the UV-C bulb, typically every 1-2 years, to maintain the air scrubber's effectiveness.

It's also crucial to check and clean the unit's components, such as the mounting plate and transformer, to prevent dust buildup and ensure the air scrubber's optimal performance.

Periodically monitoring and testing the air scrubber will verify that it's functioning correctly and providing the intended air purification.

Lastly, make sure to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for any additional maintenance requirements to uphold the air scrubber's efficiency and longevity.

Comparison: Air Scrubber Vs. Other Air Purification Systems

Air Scrubber by Aerus surpasses other air purification systems with its comprehensive coverage and integrated purification solution. When comparing the Air Scrubber to other air purification systems, there are several key advantages that set it apart:

  1. Coverage: The Air Scrubber provides both single-room and home-wide surface and air purification, offering a more extensive coverage compared to other systems that may have limited reach.
  2. Integration: Unlike other systems, the Air Scrubber attaches directly to HVAC system ductwork. This integration allows for reduced viruses, bacteria, and contaminants throughout the entire home, providing a more comprehensive purification solution.
  3. Purification capabilities: The Air Scrubber utilizes patented ActivePure Technology, which is proven to reduce up to 99.9% of airborne and surface contaminants. This surpasses the purification capabilities of many other systems, ensuring cleaner air and surfaces.
  4. Continuous purification: While some other air purification systems may have limited operating hours, the Air Scrubber provides 24/7 surface decontamination and air purification. This ensures that you have continuous clean air and surfaces, promoting a healthier environment.

Real-life Testimonials of Air Scrubber Users

Curious about the real-life experiences of Air Scrubber users?

You'll be pleased to know that users have reported positive results and improved air quality after installing the Air Scrubber unit.

From eliminating unpleasant odors caused by skunk incidents to reducing air-borne bacteria in animal shelters, these testimonials demonstrate the effectiveness of the Air Scrubber in various settings.

User Experiences

Have you ever wondered how the Air Scrubber by Aerus has truly transformed the lives of its users? Here are some real-life testimonials that showcase the effectiveness of this innovative air purification system:

  1. During the Porter Ranch gas leak in Southern California, the Ferguson Branch Manager installed several thousand Air Scrubber units. This not only resulted in increased sales but also ensured customer satisfaction in providing clean and safe air.
  2. The Canoga Park Heating and Air Conditioning owner successfully eliminated a horrible stench caused by a skunk electrocution incident by installing the Air Scrubber unit. The powerful technology of the system effectively neutralized the odor, restoring fresh air in the environment.
  3. In an act of kindness, Hoffmann Brothers Heating & Cooling donated and installed Air Scrubbers in every room of Stray Rescue. This helped reduce air-borne bacteria, improving the overall well-being of the animals.
  4. Individuals struggling with smoking-related odor issues found relief by using the Air Scrubber. The system efficiently eliminated smoke smells, providing a fresh and clean environment.

These testimonials demonstrate the transformative power of the Air Scrubber by Aerus in various situations, from gas leaks to unpleasant odors.

Positive Results

After hearing how the Air Scrubber by Aerus has transformed the lives of its users in various situations, it's time to dive into the positive results and real-life testimonials that showcase the effectiveness of this innovative air purification system.

Users have reported experiencing cleaner air and improved well-being after installing the Air Scrubber. For instance, during the Porter Ranch gas leak in Southern California, the Ferguson Branch Manager installed several thousand Air Scrubber units, resulting in increased sales and customer satisfaction.

Canoga Park Heating and Air Conditioning owner successfully eliminated a horrible stench caused by a skunk electrocution incident by installing the Air Scrubber unit.

Additionally, a homebuilder in Arizona exceeded clients' expectations by installing ActivePure Technology in new homes, eliminating germs, pet odors, and dust.

Hoffmann Brothers Heating & Cooling donated and installed Air Scrubbers in every room of Stray Rescue, reducing air-borne bacteria and improving the well-being of animals.

Individuals with smoking-related odor issues also found relief by using the Air Scrubber to eliminate smoke smells.

These real-life testimonials demonstrate the positive results and effectiveness of the Air Scrubber in providing cleaner air.

Improved Air Quality

Users of the Air Scrubber by Aerus have consistently experienced improved air quality, including reduced odors, dust, and debris, creating a fresher and cleaner environment. Here are some real-life testimonials highlighting the positive impact of the Air Scrubber on indoor air:

  1. Eliminating Skunk Odors: One user reported that the Air Scrubber successfully removed the strong skunk odor from their home, leaving their indoor air fresh and odor-free.
  2. Reducing Air-borne Bacteria: Another testimonial mentioned how the Air Scrubber effectively reduced air-borne bacteria, providing a healthier living space for their family.
  3. Crisis Situations: In emergency situations such as gas leaks, the Air Scrubber demonstrated its ability to maintain fresh and clean indoor air, ensuring the safety and well-being of the occupants.
  4. Improved Sales and Customer Satisfaction: Improved air quality hasn't only enhanced the well-being of users but also led to increased sales and customer satisfaction, as people appreciate the cleaner and healthier environment provided by the Air Scrubber.

The real-life success stories and proven effectiveness of the Air Scrubber by Aerus make it a valuable investment for anyone seeking improved indoor air quality.

Where to Buy Air Scrubber by Aerus

You can purchase the Air Scrubber by Aerus on Amazon for around $550, offering a significant cost-saving compared to local companies. This is a convenient option as you can easily browse and compare different sellers and read customer reviews before making a purchase. When buying from Amazon, it's important to ensure that you choose a responsive U.S. seller who can provide support and assistance with the product. This will ensure that you have a quality purchase experience and can get any necessary help if needed.

Another option to buy the Air Scrubber is by visiting the official website for Air Scrubber by Aerus. On the website, you can click on the appropriate box for California or non-California residents to make a direct purchase. This allows you to buy the product directly from the manufacturer, ensuring authenticity and peace of mind.

If you prefer to explore other purchasing options, you can contact Aerus Enterprise Solutions at (866) 736-0503. They can provide you with information on potential direct purchasing options and answer any inquiries you may have.

Additionally, you may want to consider the Air Scrubber Ozone Free, an American-made UV purifier for your home. This product can be easily installed by yourself or by an HVAC technician in about 30-45 minutes. It's available at a competitive price and can provide you with clean and fresh air throughout your home.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the Air Scrubber by Aerus Really Work?

Yes, the Air Scrubber by Aerus really works. It effectively reduces up to 99.9% of airborne and surface contaminants, creating a healthier indoor environment for you.

It attaches directly to your HVAC system ductwork, providing continuous surface decontamination and air purification. Scientifically proven and backed by testimonials, it eliminates odors, improves air quality, and has even shown effectiveness in crisis situations.

With its affordable price and easy installation, it's a valuable addition to your home or business.

How Long Does an Aerus Air Scrubber Last?

An Aerus Air Scrubber can last for a long time, providing you with clean and fresh air for years to come. It has a durable design and is built to withstand regular use.

With proper maintenance and care, you can expect your air scrubber to last for many years, ensuring that you and your family can breathe in healthier air and enjoy the benefits of a cleaner home environment.

Are Air Scrubbers Worth the Money?

Are air scrubbers worth the money?

Well, let's consider the benefits.

Air scrubbers, like the Air Scrubber by Aerus, can significantly improve indoor air quality by reducing airborne contaminants and promoting a healthier breathing environment. They eliminate odors, reduce bacteria, and provide 24/7 surface decontamination.

Additionally, the Air Scrubber by Aerus is ozone-free, easy to install, and cheaper than local alternatives.

Who Makes the Best Air Scrubbers?

The best air scrubbers are made by various manufacturers who specialize in providing top-quality purification solutions. These companies invest in advanced technologies and rigorous testing to ensure effective reduction of airborne and surface contaminants.


So there you have it, folks!

The Air Scrubber by Aerus is the ultimate solution for clean and fresh indoor air. With its powerful ActivePure Technology, it eliminates pathogens, reduces airborne bacteria and viruses, and neutralizes mold spores and volatile organic compounds.

Say goodbye to synthetic fragrances and hello to a safer and more comfortable living environment.

Don't miss out on this game-changing air purification system. Get your Air Scrubber by Aerus today and breathe easy like never before!

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